Colloidal gold is a suspension of pure gold in water. It is used as a mineral supplement to augment the body’s immune system. Here you will read first-hand testimonials by real people of results they have experienced. We cannot say that colloidal gold will cure disease or even that it will improve your health in any way. What we can share is what we believe it has done in our own body and for people that we know.

The following list of conditions has been compiled from reports provided by those who have been helped by using MesoGold. The information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.

We do not claim a cure for any condition discussed herein nor has the FDA approved colloidal gold specifically for use on these conditions.

Consumer Protection Disclaimer:

Each testimonial cites a personal experience. Please be advised that there is no science provided here to support their experience. Your results will not necessarily be the same as theirs.

Energy and Well Being
Hand-Eye Coordination
Mental Acuity
Mental Focus

One Person’s Story: How MesoGold has changed my life.

I am a business consultant who has worked in the field of human excellence, accelerated learning and success technologies for over 20 years.

Having taken the product since roughly November of last year, it is my opinion that colloidal gold represents a critical and necessary nutrient, and is an extraordinary mind formula that produces incredible results. I now consider this supplement an actual necessity for my highest functioning, as well as a critical element in the increased success of my business.

I’ve certainly noticed more euphoria, confidence, well-being and happiness, but the most important results I’ve experienced have been an intensely sharpened mind and far better recall and memory.

I notice this in all areas, but particularly when I’m teaching and training, I am much more masterful. I feel as if somehow I’ve added an extra 10 years to my level of experience and expertise. There is just no question that I am functioning at a different level.

I’ve tried lots of stuff over the years, including some very expensive and exotic Chinese herbs that claim a special “mind formula”, and I never noticed any results. With the colloidal gold, I noticed a big difference that was both immediate and progressive; in other words, the benefits seem to keep increasing over time. And I’m pretty sure I haven’t peaked yet!

There’s been a dramatic increase in physical coordination as well. I move faster, think faster, respond faster, and am more aware. I experience better coordination, not only in my martial arts, but also in the computer video games I play. For example, in both X-box and Playstation, my performance is really improved; I can do things that guys who have been playing for years can’t even do, like expertly driving the James Bond car, which is really quite difficult and requires intense concentration and coordination.

Probably the most dramatic place I notice the effects of the colloidal gold is in my business. I actually now consider it a necessity for my work. I was always a successful and intelligent person, but now I’m smarter and more articulate, stimulating, effective and persuasive, not to mention more successful as result. The difference in verbal skills is really quite extraordinary.

In summation, I would say I am happier, more effective and functioning better than I ever have. I feel like a new person. Taking colloidal gold changes your life. I really believe that it is a powerful force for shaping one’s destiny and can be the difference between mediocrity and roaring success.

I just bought 25 gallons of MesoGold for my own use. I am taking 4 ounces per day. The increased money I’m making from my business more than makes up for the cost, and the cost is quite reasonable to begin with. I also recommend the gold to my clients and am seeing and hearing about remarkable results from them as well.

John McCoy
West Palm Beach, FL

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Since taking MesoGold, I notice a dramatic transformation in my writing. Writing is very important in law school and my writing has really changed. Now I tear into things with energy and animation, and feel like the floodgates have opened. And it’s not just that I write a lot and then have to go back and re-write what I’ve written. On the contrary, my first drafts now look like something I’ve worked on and worked over; they are as good as my much later and much edited drafts used to be. My writing is just wonderful now if I do say so myself. When I go back and read what I’ve written, even I’m impressed. It’s like someone else wrote it. It’s one of the great effects of the Mesosold.

Edward Davis, age 50
San Diego, CA

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Energy and Well Being

The effect of MesoGold on mood was not what I expected. The results are different than I had guessed. It’s not that it’s subtle; actually it’s quite pronounced, it’s just that it’s hard to describe. It’s sort of a background feeling that everything is alright, and that everything will be alright. I guess you could say a sort of general sense of well-being.

For example, I’m a fairly driven, anal, intense, Type A personality, a strong achiever with high expectations of myself. I usually beat myself up quite a bit over my level of performance. Recently I had an exam in constitutional law and the exam just floored me. I left the exam with a horrible feeling that I had blown the test. I was devastated. Typically, this experience would have thrown me into a few weeks of depression and negative, defeatist thoughts. Instead what happened was a total shift in my attitude. Somehow, I realized that no matter how I did on that exam, it was just one exam. Every little thing did not have to be done flawlessly, and I was going to make it through law school no matter what. If I had blown one exam, it wasn’t the end of the world. And if I had to take the class over, then I’d take the class over. I have been beating myself up for two years now, and suddenly, I had this major shift in attitude. And it happened effortlessly. It feels just great!

Edward Davis, age 50
San Diego, CA

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I am a naturopathic doctor. I also have doctorate in engineering and build medical equipment. The first time I tried MesoGold, I took about 3 ounces. About 20 minutes later, I felt great! My mind was sharp and clear, and physically I felt wonderful and my energy was really good . This was particularly surprising because I had been up all night driving from South Carolina to New Jersey; and before taking the MesoGold, I was beginning to poop out. After I took it, I felt so good, I went out to dinner with friends and then drove on to Pennsylvania. Two days later, I was back in New Jersey, and had another shot of the gold. Again, it made me feel just great. Now I take a tablespoon every day, morning and evening. It gives me lots of energy , keeps my mind sharp, and somehow helps me be more willing to take on challenges. It’s great stuff.

Dr. Bill Biagioli, N.MD
Florence, South Carolina

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I am a 76-year-old cardiac patient with a pacemaker and an artificial hip. I had been feeling kind of down and weak, but now that I’m taking the MesoGold and MesoSilver, I feel much more energetic than I’ve been – enough so that I’ll definitely continue taking them.

Roland Willis
Moorestown, New Jersey

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I started taking MesoGold only about three weeks ago, and already I see a difference. I feel wonderful overall. I’m full of energy and feel like I could fly — and I’m 73 years old! Right now, I’m under various kinds of stress, plus we’re moving and packing, yet I feel terrific! I had been feeling tired and lethargic, but this MesoGold has made a huge difference. I can’t believe I have all this energy and feel this great. And this is after only three weeks. I just placed a double product order because I want my husband to start taking it to see if it will help his memory. My son had miraculous results with the Colloidal Silver. He’s a completely new man – “back from the dead” as he describes it – but I’ll let him tell his own story. Pretty soon, I’ll have my whole family on this stuff. . . and I have a pretty big family!

Evelyn Piatt, age 73,
Pensacola, FL and Oakland, NJ

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I take MesoGold to help keep me relaxed in my job, which is one of the more stressful jobs there is: law enforcement. Although it does help me stay calm, it also gives me energy. It’s like taking vitamins – in fact, since I started using the MesoGold, I don’t even bother to take vitamins anymore,

Bruce Reed
New Jersey

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Since taking the MesoGold, I am much more even tempered and don’t get upset as much.

Arthur Doerksen, Professional Electrical Engineer
Abbotsford, British Columbia

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Having taken MesoGold since roughly November of last year, I’ve certainly noticed more euphoria, confidence, well-being and happiness. I would say I am happier, more effective, and functioning better than I ever have. I feel like a new person. Taking colloidal gold changes your life. I really believe that it is a powerful force for shaping one’s destiny and can be the difference between mediocrity and roaring success.

John McCoy, Business Consultant
West Palm Beach, FL

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As a result of using MesoGold, I am more animated, more energized. I notice this in relation to my writing and also in taking law school exams. For example, the other day the class was taking an exam on our laptops. It was a three-hour exam and I was writing furiously, just flying along on the keys. My intensity and speed were such that people around me were beginning to notice and look over at what was going on. Also, usually I have to outline my thoughts, then write a bit, then edit, but in this case, I was just flying along, writing as I thought, editing as I went. It was really pretty amazing.

Edward Davis, age 50
San Diego, CA

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Hand-eye Coordination

First of all, I am greatly pleased to express my feelings about your MesoGold product. It has helped me out tremendously with my roller dancing. Roller dancing is a sport that involves an enormous amount of concentration on every skating step. Each step and position with my partner at this World Class Level seems to flash by within a split second. By taking the MesoGold I am able to now isolate each skating movement as if time were extended for my thought process. I also have a better sense of awareness of my entire body with my skating. For instance, I know exactly how each hand move feels and looks as well as my body carriage while I’m skating. Finally, I can better control my energy and adrenaline during skating competitions. I am now more relaxed and at ease during contests with using the gold. Before I used the gold, I would sometimes tend to be over anxious which would result in not skating my best. I highly recommend this product to anyone that practices a sport.

Nick Borgese
Sicklerville, NJ

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I’ve been playing racquetball for a couple of years, winning only about 40 or 50% of the time against a partner who is an incredible player. Last year, someone suggested I try MesoGold because it’s supposed to improve hand-eye coordination. I’m very skeptical about those kinds of claims, but I figured I’d give it a try. Within one or two weeks of taking the MesoGold, I started winning every single game. It was like I couldn’t miss a shot: I was definitely in the “zone”. I was literally winning 100% of the time. After a few months, it actually got to the point that I was bored playing, because there was no challenge in it for me. Again, let me say, I was pretty skeptical to begin with, but these were real results I got, taking only 1 tablespoon every morning before breakfast.

Ehsan Razavisar, 38
Bellevue, Washington

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I’ve been coaching baseball for 13 years, and am also the father of a 15-year-old skateboarder and a 17-year-old baseball player. I know baseball performance, and I also know that skateboarding is much more difficult than just about any team sport and takes a tremendous amount of coordination. Since taking MesoGold, my skateboarding son has noticed a dramatic improvement in his coordination. In his own words, he told me, “Dad, I’m kicking butt!” My older boy is an infielder on his high school baseball team. When I give him MesoGold before a game, I can observe the improvement in his playing. I have no question that MesoGold improves hand-eye coordination and sports performance.

Leo Wilke
Tuscola, IL

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Since taking MesoGold, I’ve noticed an increase in dexterity and hand-eye coordination. My reflexes and responses are much quicker and more effective. I’m not looking for these results, I’m just noticing that it’s really different.

The most noticeable effect of the MesoGold came for me in a recent ground school and flight simulator training. My simulation partner was a much more knowledgeable and experience pilot, so I expected him to be better then me in the simulation, but I actually outperformed him.

Joseph Berti, Age 47
Commercial Airline Pilot

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I am a 59 year old male and at the suggestion of a friend started to take a supplement of gold colloid a few months ago. I really didn’t know anything about it but was assured it couldn’t hurt me so I gave it a try. When asked if I noticed any difference, I commented that my pool shooting has improved. At the time, I didn’t know that better hand eye coordination could be attributed to gold colloid.

I just returned from Florida where after a four month, weather induced lay off, I shot some of the best golf I ever played. I did this on a strange course and with rented clubs!

I now take daily, one tablespoon each of gold, silver and copper colloid. I can’t wait for the golf season to begin.

Bill Wolfe

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I play semi-pro soccer and take MesoGold for the way it enhances my sports performance. It keeps me more alert, more energized, gives me better stamina and makes me an all around better player. I’m active in a lot of sports, and have also noticed that it takes care of leg cramps and got rid of the problem I was having with my sciatic nerve from roller hockey. I take 3 TBS every morning, with an extra 2 TBS on game days, after eating, right before the game.

Jim Klein
Westmont, NJ

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I have noticed a definite improvement in hand-eye coordination when playing air hockey. I play every week, pretty much with the same group, and have done so for about ten years now.

There is no question that my playing skill is improved from using MesoGold. I take a tablespoon everyday. If I happen to forget to take the MesoGold on the day when I play air hockey, I am immediately reminded as soon as I play the first game.

Frank Key

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I play golf once a week. When I started taking the Colloidal Gold, I noticed a definite improvement in golf game and in my physical abilities in general.

Dee Behrend, Age 74
Columbus, New Jersey

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Since I started taking MesoGold I noticed that my coordination is much better and I’m much more alert too. My air hockey playing is so much better now.

Gilbert Ryner, Age 68
Philadephia, PA

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Taking colloidal gold has resulted in a dramatic increase in physical coordination. I move faster, think faster, respond faster, and am more aware. I experience better coordination not only in my martial arts, but also in the computer video games I play. For example, in both X-box and Playstation, my performance is really improved; I can do things that guys who have been playing for years can’t even do, like expertly driving the James Bond car, which is really quite difficult and requires intense concentration and coordination. I just bought 25 more gallons of Mesgold!

John McCoy, Business Consultant
West Palm Beach, FL

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I just wanted to write to alert you as to the value of your product. Your colloidal gold increases my ability to achieve a peak meditative state. Meditation is something that I work on every day. The speed at which your colloidal gold augments my efforts is amazing. Visualizations seem to take on a dimension that previously occurred only with a rarity. I would recommend your colloidal gold to anyone who is interested in improving his or her ability to concentrate. It literally strips years off, and brought me back to a state of mental alertness that I experienced in early adulthood. Once again, thank you for putting the time and energy into the development of the product. Keep up the good work!

Cherry Hill, NJ

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I’ve been working with a meditation system known as Holosync, which trains your brain into a meditative state and develops new neuro-pathways between the two brain hemispheres. Before using MesoGold, I found the tapes very relaxing, and they would put me in a deep, euphoric meditative state. Occasionally, I would find my brain thinking very fast. However, now that I’m using MesoGold, my brain is very active in every single session. I was concerned about that, thinking that the relaxed state was better, but I’ve been told that the active state is even more productive and indicates that even more progress is being made.

Edward Davis, age 50
San Diego, CA

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After taking MesoGold for only about a week, I noticed a great improvement in my memory. We went to a new church and I was introduced to about a dozen new people – and I could remember all their names. Later that night, I could still recall all their names, which is very unusual. I’m also much better with remembering phone numbers and inputting credit card numbers; both are a lot easier now. There is no question that the MesoGold helps with recall. It just makes your brain work better overall. It seems like gold is a dietary supplement that is needed for the brain to operate optimally. We probably used to get this mineral naturally from the soil through plants we ate, but now that the soil is so depleted, it’s just missing from our diet. I also notice that, since taking the MesoGold, I’m much more even tempered and don’t get upset as much.

Arthur Doerksen, Professional Electrical Engineer
Abbotsford, British Columbia

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I work in a very busy and fast-paced health center/pain clinic. I often feel foggy, “brain fog” my daughter calls it. I forget things. I’m often just sort of out of synch. Last week, I tried MesoGold for the first time. I took a tablespoon at night and then another tablespoon before work in the morning, and I was very surprised at the results. When I got to work that morning, my co-worker who usually takes the messages, was not there. So I was forced to take all the messages, plus do my own work. In our office, taking messages is a BIG deal. Messages are a huge and important part of the job. We take messages for doctors, for nurses, for the unit. We often have to track people down. And locating charts is the other big challenge. They’re all over the place, in the unit, with the doctor, with a nurse, in an office, and we need to be able to find them.

What really surprised me was that I was clear, and remembering, and tracking all day in a way that’s really unusual for me. It got to where I was actually a resource for people, that they’d come and ask me where a chart was or where someone was, knowing I was somehow keeping track of all of it and keeping tabs on everything. I noticed this surprising degree of alertness, this strong memory, a lot of clarity in tracking things and remembering things, including driving directions, which I’m usually really bad at. I kept asking myself throughout the day, “Is this really me? Is this really happening?” Now I take one tablespoon of MesoGold every night and every morning. It helps keep me alert and on top of things in a really surprising way.

Pat Turek
Springfield, MA

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I was intrigued by the MesoGold testimonials I saw on this web site and thought I’d give it a try. I started with one bottle, and now I order it in a 5-gallon carboy. I am currently in law school. After about three weeks of using the MesoGold, the first thing I noticed was a marked increase in my memory and mental clarity. Suddenly I was starting to remember material from two semesters ago, and I was remembering it with remarkable clarity and details. In your first years of law school, there’s an enormous amount of reading required. I read about 20-30 cases over the course of a weekend, some of which are up to 50 pages long, and then I have to write a brief summarizing the case. With MesoGold, I am able to remember the details of these cases, as well as things I learned over a year ago. And it’s a very dramatic difference. It’s like a switch has been turned on in a part of your brain and suddenly the room is all lit up. The memory effect of the MesoGold is very pronounced, but it also improves a lot of other things, like focus, concentration, attitude, anxiety and energy.

Edward Davis, age 50
San Diego, CA

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Mental Acuity

I am a naturopathic doctor. I also have doctorate in engineering and build medical equipment. The first time I tried MesoGold, I took about 3 ounces. About 20 minutes later, I felt great! My mind was sharp and clear, and physically I felt wonderful and my energy was really good. This was particularly surprising because I had been up all night driving from South Carolina to New Jersey; and before taking the MesoGold, I was beginning to poop out. After I took it, I felt so good, I went out to dinner with friends and then drove on to Pennsylvania. Two days later, I was back in New Jersey, and had another shot of the gold. Again, it made me feel just great. Now I take a tablespoon every day, morning and evening. It gives me lots of energy, keeps my mind sharp , and somehow helps me be more willing to take on challenges. It’s great stuff.

Dr. Bill Biagioli, N.MD
Florence, South Carolina

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The most noticeable effect of the MesoGold came for me in a recent ground school and flight simulator training. My retention ability was astounding. We were given a huge volume of information to absorb and I was able to memorize and assimilate it all with relative ease. My retention and recall were noticeably enhanced and very acute. My simulation partner was a much more knowledgeable and experience pilot, so I expected him to be better then me in the simulation, but I actually outperformed him.

Joseph Berti, Age 47
Commercial Airline Pilot

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Not only is my state of mind better, but I also think straighter, remember more, and have a clearer mind.

April Gower Rhodes, Age 51
Florence Alabama

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This is a testimonial about Colloidal Gold and MesoGold. I started taking 10ml of Colloidal Gold which is 5ppm particles of Gold on July 11, 01. After approximately four days I experienced a phenomenon of which only I can attribute to the ingestion of the Colloidal Gold. I experienced a noticeable awareness of everything going on around me. My vision was quicker in the sense that the signal of what I saw to a reaction via the brain was faster with no increase in, so to speak, effort. All of my thinking and reaction time is noticeably faster.

I increased the dosage on 7/18/01 to double (20ml) daily. It took approximately one week to notice a slight increase in the favorable results I experienced in the previous paragraph. When my supply of Colloidal Gold of 5ppm particles is exhausted I will start on my new supply of MesoGold which is 4 times stronger and consequently I can take 4 times less than 20ml daily which is 5ml daily (the same dose). The MesoGold is 20ppm Particles of Gold.

The only conclusion I can arrive at is that the electrical signals from the senses nerves are speeded up with the help of the conductivity of the MesoGold particles traveling throughout my body. After all Gold is the second best conductor of electricity known to man and all functions of the body are electrical in nature. The MesoGold is harmless to the body as Gold is unreactive in itself and the particles are just above atomic size so NO clogging of any veins or arteries can occur.

I heartily recommend you give this product a try and let the manufacturer of this product know of your experiences. Remember, not everyone can experience what I did as we are all different. By the way, I am a chemist.

Louis Rabouin
Philadelphia, PA

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I began taking Colloidal Gold and I noticed that a certain clarity of thinking seemed to result. For example, at my age (74) even though I was an English teacher, I often find myself searching for words, but when I’m taking the gold, the right words seem to appear at the right time, clear as crystal. Also, I notice my decision-making seems to be positively affected. I feel more confident and more secure in the clarity of my thinking and my decision making process. My moods also seem to be better. Some of this is subtle, but it’s noticeable enough that it impressed me.

Dee Behrend, Age 74
Columbus, New Jersey

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I am a business consultant who has worked in the field of human excellence, accelerated learning and success technologies for over 20 years. In my opinion, colloidal gold represents a critical and necessary nutrient, and is an extraordinary mind formula that produces incredible results. I now consider this supplement an actual necessity for my highest functioning, as well as a critical element in the increased success of my business. I’ve experienced an intensely sharpened mind, including noticeably increased verbal, auditory and linguistic skills; increased creative and spatial skills , and far better recall and memory.

Probably the most dramatic place I notice the effects of the colloidal gold is in my business. I actually now consider it a necessity for my work. I was always a successful and intelligent person, but now I’m smarter and more articulate, stimulating, effective and persuasive, not to mention more successful as result.

The difference in verbal skills is really quite extraordinary. I notice that particularly when I’m teaching and training, I am much more masterful, and seem to exhibit dramatically increased abilities, wisdom and awareness. I feel as if somehow I’ve added an extra 10 years to my level of experience and expertise, it’s the colloidal gold. There is just no question that I am functioning at a different level.

I’ve tried lots of stuff over the years, including some very expensive and exotic Chinese herbs that claim a special “mind formula”, and I never noticed any results. With the colloidal gold, I noticed a big difference that was both immediate and progressive; in other words, the benefits seem to keep increasing over time. And I’m pretty sure I haven’t peaked yet!

I feel like a new person. Taking colloidal gold changes your life. I really believe that it is a powerful force for shaping one’s destiny and can be the difference between mediocrity and roaring success.

John McCoy
West Palm Beach, FL

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Mental Focus

MesoGold is amazing. It helped my energy, my clarity, my focus, my concentration, my creativity and a bunch of other things, but probably the most important thing it did for me was to change my attitude. I have a much more positive attitude and a more positive outlook on life now. It truly lifted my spirits and put me back in a positive and productive state of mind. After two weeks on MesoGold, my outlook improved so much and my spirits were so high, that I just stopped believing all the negative stuff the doctors had told me. I became so positive, and felt so good that I just knew the doctors were wrong, and that I was going to be fine.

Now I’m happy, focused, clear, present, creative, positive, and energized. I feel very blessed and very grateful. I give the credit to God, but I also thank Purest Colloids for the wonderful minerals.

Ken Scott, Age 55
Exeter, PA

I had been taking MesoGold and having good results, but when I started studying for my law school finals, I started taking the maximum dose of 4 TBS a day. The effect on my ability to focus and concentrate was very powerful. Things that used to really drive me crazy – like the barking of our neighbor’s dog for instance – were suddenly no problem and didn’t distract my concentration or bother me at all. It was a very noticeable difference.

Edward Davis, age 50
San Diego, CA

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I am a 48-year-old Network Engineer. The level of concentration and linear thought required in my field is very high. I can feel my abilities slowly slipping from what they were 10 years ago. Now, when I need extra focus or concentration for a specific project, I take MesoGold and can see an immediate increase in my ability to focus. It also stimulates my thought process and does so naturally and without any mind-altering side effects like you get from drugs. It’s a great product.

Leo Wilke
Tuscola, IL

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I started taking one daily dose of the colloidal gold. I prepared for monitoring myself for any perceived change the next few days. The thing I did not expect was how quickly it „kicked in.” Then, on a few vacation days in the mountains, I did not take the gold. After I returned home I went back to the daily supplement, and again: a quick, noticeable effect. I just like what it does. I am 58 years old, non-smoker, and have for years taken supplemental vitamins and minerals. I exercise moderately and my weight is about 170lb. What I have definitely noticed about the colloidal gold is this: Increased acuity, awareness. But more than that, it seem to bring a lot of bodily/human functions more ‘on-line’, packaged a little tighter. „Better focus” is one way to describe it, but it is wider than that. There is more harmony. Emotional peaks and valleys still happen, but dealing with them seem to be done from a different level than before.

Stig Kamph
Ewing, NJ

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A couple of months ago a colleague introduced me to MesoGold. He didn’t say much about it, just that I should take a teaspoon a day. After a couple of weeks I noticed a significant change in my energy level and outlook. Now, instead of reaching Friday, wondering where the week had gone and how I would complete my goals for the week, I found that about Tuesday or Wednesday, I was ahead of my work schedule for the week and looking for more. What a difference! I am able to take a calm, more focused approach to activities, whether work, family, or fitness related.

Denver, Colorado

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I’m a FedEx driver who spends my entire day driving and dealing with the stress of tight schedules, traffic jams, time pressure, and other complications. Ever since I started taking MesoGold, I am much more alert, aware and energized. I get through my day in a much better state, have a new degree of alertness, and awareness and am much better able to concentrate. It has really made a difference in my day and how I feel on the job.

Jim Klein
Westmont, NJ

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MesoGold definitely helps my 69-year-old mother with focus and clear mindedness. I can always tell when she has stopped taking it because the difference is so noticeable. If she starts sounding confused or unable to think clearly, I will ask her, “Mom, did you run out of your MesoGold?” and I’m always right that she has stopped taking it. MesoGold is truly a lifesaver for her daily functioning.

Lauri Cole
Chula Vista, CA

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