The information contained on this page is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.

Colloidal products were available as dietary supplements. Why are they now labeled as skin conditioner in the EU?

Our products containing elements in colloidal form were available as dietary supplements. Here offered products are still the same products as before. Only their labels have changed for countries within the EU. Everywhere else in the world, including country of origin – USA, the products are sold with the original labels.

The EU’s restrictive policy on health and nutrition is suppressing the free choice of citizens in the selection of their diet, the choice of alternative treatment options and maintaining their own health, etc. The market is increasingly moving towards genetically modified foods and only chemically prepared medicines made by major pharmaceutical companies. Alternative products such as non-modified, “bio” grown and prepared foods, over-the-counter dietary supplements, vitamins, and so on are by various regulatory measures more and more restricted on the market. Under the new guidelines of the European Commission, the products in colloidal form can not be taken internally (ie. drink). They can be used as cosmetics, ie. for external use. We can not claim that the products offered here have a direct impact on health, but a large number of researches and studies (including those made by large pharmaceutical companies) found and number of users around the world confirmed the value of colloidal products in wide variety of applications.

Are these products FDA approved?

Dietary supplements do not require FDA approval.

The U. S. Congress passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 which spells out the regulations as they apply to dietary supplements. The provisions of DSHEA define dietary supplements and dietary ingredients; establish a new framework for assuring safety; outline guidelines for literature displayed where supplements are sold; provide for use of claims and nutritional support statements; require ingredient and nutrition labeling; and grant FDA the authority to establish good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations. The law also requires formation of an executive level Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels and an Office of Dietary Supplements within the National Institutes of Health.

Here are the details of DSHEA on the FDA web site:

By law (DSHEA), the manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that its dietary supplement products are safe before they are marketed. Unlike drug products that must be proven safe and effective for their intended use before marketing, there are no provisions in the law for FDA to “approve” dietary supplements for safety or effectiveness before they reach the consumer. Also unlike drug products, manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements are not currently required by law to record, investigate or forward to FDA any reports they receive of injuries or illnesses that may be related to the use of their products. Under DSHEA, once the product is marketed, FDA has the responsibility for showing that a dietary supplement is “unsafe,” before it can take action to restrict the product’s use or removal from the marketplace.

Overview of Dietary Supplements on the FDA web site:

What does MesoSilver taste like?

Taste is very subjective. The sensitivity of our sense of taste can vary widely depending on our health, diet, life style and other factors. Our sense of taste can and does change over time. To many people MesoSilver tastes like water, meaning it has no noticeable taste.

Those with more sensitive taste buds will taste a slight metallic taste owing to the small amount of ionic silver present in MesoSilver. It is not unusual for new users of MesoSilver to report it is tasteless and weeks or months later to report a metallic taste and wonder why the taste has changed over time. In reality the taste has not changed over time but the users taste buds have gotten more sensitive over time from using MesoSilver.

Usually, the metallic taste is minimized by swallowing right away, not letting the liquid remain in the mouth for sublingual absorption.

Feeling worse before feeling better?

The Herxheimer Reaction is a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, itching, rashes, nausea or other symptoms.

The Herxheimer reaction can be lessened by drinking large quantities of distilled water to help purge the body of toxins. More details on

Medical Advice

Only medical doctors can provide medical advice. We are not medical doctors and therefore cannot provide medical advice. Please do not email us with questions concerning symptoms or diagnosis of any medical condition or any other question that can be construed as seeking medical advice.

What happens if the colloid freezes?

Freezing can damage a true colloid. A hard freeze, meaning frozen completely solid thru and thru with no liquid remaining, will cause the suspended particles to fall to the bottom. After thawing, if the color has changed to clear like water then the colloid is irreversible damaged. This refers to MesoSilver and MesoGold primarily because they normally have a pronounced color, MesoCopper normally looks as clear as water. If the color is normal, then the colloid is OK. Ionic silver solutions which contain most of the silver content in the form of silver ions (dissolved silver) will not be harmed by freezing.

Is printed material provided with the products?

All product information is provided on the web site, no additional material is available or provided.

Are these products sold in stores or pharmacies?

Yes. They are sold in stores and pharmacies within EU. Of course we cannot guarantee that they are available in all stores or pharmacies. We are general importer for EU, so please ask your store or pharmacy to order from us or you can order directly on this web site.

What is the shelf life of the Mesocolloids?

Our colloid products made from noble metals (silver, gold, platinum, palladium, and iridium) have an infinite shelf life. Titanium, while not a noble metal also has an infinite shelf life.

Colloids made from non-noble metals (i.e. copper and zinc) have a limited shelf life, typically 4 to 6 months, once the bottle is opened. Air, which includes oxygen, enters the bottle when it is opened. The oxygen will cause the metal nanoparticles to slowly oxidize converting them into their ionic state. For this reason, it is best to purchase a bottle size that you would expect to consume in 4 months or less. Minimum shelf life of not opened bottle is 3 years.

Storage of Mesocolloids

Refrigeration is not required for any of the products. To maximize shelf life it is best to:

  • avoid storing the Mesocolloids at temperatures above about 26 °C (80 °F)
  • store bottle to avoid direct sunlight
  • do not drink directly from the bottle, pour from the bottle into a dispenser spoon or cup
  • do not pour any unused liquid back into the bottle

Various bottle types

The same product liquid may be available in several bottle types. It is the same product in all bottles.

Does MesoSilver harm the beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract?

The small intestine in a healthy individual is teaming with various strains of acidophilus which MesoSilver may potentially kill if it proceeded far enough through the GI tract. We believe that MesoSilver is absorbed in the first feet of the small intestine and therefore should not progress far enough through the GI to cause any problems.

It may well be that, in a healthy person whose small intestine is fully colonized by various strains of acidophilus, there would be no noticeable adverse affect from ingestion of colloidal silver; but a person whose gut is already compromised due to some other condition (yeast, diverticulitis, etc.) may find that they should take an acidophilus supplement. Yeast is a natural occurrence in everyone’s intestinal tract. In a healthy person, yeast may constitute about 5-10% of the total flora in the intestinal tract, and as long as the acidophilus is the predominant constituent in the small intestine, yeast cannot get out of control.

However, when Doctors prescribe one antibiotic after another the antibiotics destroy all colonies of acidophilus in the small intestine and the yeast can then grow completely out of control very rapidly. Through the yeast’s normal metabolic processes, it creates a pH that is much more alkaline than is conducive to the growth and proliferation of acidophilus, and the acidophilus cannot reestablish itself once the yeast has taken over. Thus, anything that has antibiotic properties that is taken over a long period of time could potentially compromise the colonies of acidophilus and allow yeast to take over. Basically, anything that reduces the amount of healthy flora in my intestinal tract will only serve to assist the yeast.

It is estimated that 50% or more of the U.S. population have yeast overgrowth to one extent or another, though most don’t know it (they long have since forgotten what it was like to have a healthy intestinal tract, and attribute their discomforts to age). Subsequently, we cannot rely on those taking our product to have healthy intestinal tracts prior to taking our product, and there is the potential that colloidal silver could further deteriorate the acidophilus. In practice, very few users have reported any problems in their GI tract as a result of using MesoSilver. Those that believe they have experienced a change in their GI tract have used acidophilus supplements on an occasional basis and experienced no further difficulty.

Can MesoSilver and MesoGold be taken along with prescription drugs?

Yes. MesoSilver and MesoGold do not interfere with or interact with medications. Both gold and silver are noble metals, what means they do not readily combine with other substances to form compounds, so they do not interact with medications, herbs, or other supplements.

Can MesoSilver and MesoGold be given to children?

Yes. As a general rule dosage should be adjusted for the reduced body weight of children and infants. Dosage of one teaspoon for every 30 kg (70 pounds) of body weight is generally appropriate.

Can MesoSilver be used for pets and large animals?

Yes. MesoSilver is commonly used on pets and large animals for many infections, such as ringworm, staph infections, and eye infections.

Can the Mesocolloids be taken together, or at the same time?

Yes. Since the Mesocolloids are all true colloids, meaning they are not ionic solutions, they can be taken together without any interactions.

Why are the Mesocolloids shipped in plastic bottles when many other companies say that only glass should be used?

True colloids consists of particles, not ions, and do not require glass bottles.

Our products are shipped in PET plastic bottles. PET stands for polyethylene terephthalate, a form of polyester. PET is commonly used to package soft drinks, water, and fruit juice. PET plastic bottles are the single most prevalent beverage bottle produced in the world today.

A product that must be stored in a glass bottle is most certainly an ionic product, not a true colloid.

Why are the Mesocolloids sold in clear bottles, not amber or blue colored bottles like many other products?

Mesocolloids are not photosensitive.

The ionic silver solutions produced by generators used by home hobbyists tend to be photosensitive and will deteriorate over a short period of time if not shielded from visible light. By storing such solutions in amber bottles the deterioration is reduced. The most photosensitive solutions are produced using the low voltage DC process, often by using several 9 volt batteries. The requirement for an amber bottle indicates a photosensitive, unstable solution. Only the lowest quality solutions are photosensitive.

High quality products are not photosensitive and do not require an amber bottle.

Does MesoSilver cause Argyria?

No, MesoSilver does not cause ArgyriaArgyria is a discoloration of the skin wherein the skin turns a blue-grey color as a result of over exposure to certain forms of silver. Argyria is known to be caused by ingesting: 1) silver salts (compounds) such as silver nitrate, 2) high concentrations of ionic silver, 3) protein based silver products aka “silver protein” or “mild silver protein”, 4) inhalation of high concentrations of silver dust as found in silver mines and silver refining operations. While some so-called “experts” claim that all forms of silver can cause argyria, that statement is not true. Argyria is not caused by true silver colloids which consist of nanometer sized particles of silver in pure water. Read more on

Can MesoSilver be taken by a nursing mother?

We do not have any scientific studies that can prove that MesoSilver is safe to use by a nursing mother. It is believed to be safe and many users have used it while nursing. No adverse effects have ever been reported for mother or child.

Is MesoSilver safe to take during pregnancy?

We do not have any scientific studies that can prove that MesoSilver is safe to use during pregnancy. It is believed to be safe and many users have used it during pregnancy. No adverse effects have ever been reported.

Are MesoSilver and MesoGold toxic?

No. MesoGold and MesoSilver are noble metals and are non-toxic. See heavy metal question below.

What is a heavy metal? It depends on who you ask!

According to Chemistry International Vol 23, No.6 November 2001 – “Heavy Metals” – A Meaningless Term

Over the past two decades, the term “heavy metals” has been used increasingly in various publications and in legislation related to chemical hazards and the safe use of chemicals. It is often used as a group name for metals and semimetals (metalloids) that have been associated with contamination and potential toxicity or ecotoxicity. At the same time, legal regulations often specify a list of heavy metals to which they apply. Such lists may differ from one set of regulations to the other, or the term may be used without specifying which heavy metals are covered. In other words, the term “heavy metals” has been used inconsistently. This practice has led to general confusion regarding the significance of the term. The inconsistent use of the term “heavy metals” reflects inconsistency in the scientific literature. It is, therefore, necessary to review the usage that has developed for the term, paying particular attention to its relationship to fundamental chemistry. Without care for the scientific fundamentals, confused thought is likely to prevent advances in scientific knowledge and to lead to bad legislation and to generally bad decision-making.

Def 1.) A generalized definition in common use: One of 23 chemical elements that has a specific gravity (a measure of density) at least five times that of water.

Def 2.) Definition according to OSHA – The term “Heavy Metals” is generally interpreted to include those metals from periodic table groups IIA through VIA. The semi-metallic elements boron, arsenic, selenium, and tellurium are often included in this classification. At trace levels, many of these elements are necessary to support life. However, at elevated levels they become toxic, may build up in biological systems, and become a significant health hazard.

Def 3.) Definition used by many – The term heavy metal refers to any metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density and is toxic, highly toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. Examples of heavy metals include mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), thallium (Tl), and lead (Pb).

Heavy metals are dangerous because they tend to bioaccumulate. For example, marine organisms can consume a particularly dangerous form of mercury called methyl mercury. When fish eat these organisms, the methyl mercury is not excreted, but retained in bodily tissues. The older the fish and the more contaminated organisms it has consumed, the greater the amount of methyl mercury in its tissues. When another fish eats the first fish, the accumulated methyl mercury is passed up the food chain, eventually becoming hundreds or thousands of times its original concentration. Any organism at the top of the food chain (humans, polar bears etc.) faces a serious risk of mercury poisoning by eating such fish.

More on heavy metals on

Can MesoSilver or MesoGold cause heavy metal poisoning?

No. By some definitions silver is considered a heavy metal, but it is also a noble metal. The noble metals are gold, silver, and the platinum group of six metals which includes platinum, rhodium, palladium, ruthenium, osmium, and iridium. When used, the noble metals do not cause heavy metal poisoning.

Does silver or gold accumulate in the organs of the body?

No. The metallic particles contained in MesoSilver and MesoGold are in the form of nanometer sized particles. These particles do not accumulate in body tissues or any organs. The nanoparticles are passed out of the body with waste within a few days of being ingested.

What would cause MesoSilver to turn clear like water?

MesoSilver will turn clear as water if it is frozen solid or contaminated in use. To prevent contamination:

  • only pour out of the bottle, never pour back into the bottle
  • never put anything in the bottle such as a Q-Tip, tube, or straw
  • do not drink from the bottle
  • do not touch the inside of the bottle cap
  • do not soak cotton balls by placing over the bottle opening

When the color is clear, it is not unsafe, although it has lost its effectiveness.

What would cause visible particles in MesoSilver?

There are no visible particles in a bottle of MesoSilver when it is shipped from the factory. MesoSilver is a colloid consisting of silver nanoparticles that are too small to be seen by even the most powerful optical microscopes. However, for a number of reasons, these nanoparticles can aggregate to form larger particles that are visible to the naked eye. These particles can appear like specs of “black pepper” that have settled to the bottom of the bottle. These particles are not harmful and can be ingested without causing any problems. If the bottle is shaken the particles will temporarily re-disperse.

Potential causes of particle aggregation:

  1. Exposure to cold temperatures or partial freezing.
  2. Contamination of the product due to environmental conditions. Air pollution present in the atmosphere can be absorbed into the liquid and slightly alter the ionic species which can cause some particle aggregation to occur. This also frequently causes the apparent color to change. If you live in a location where you can “see” the air, then it contains substantial pollution. Many large metropolitan areas have air pollution that you can “see”
  3. Contamination of the product by drinking from the bottle or inserting foreign matter into the bottle such as Q-Tips.

To avoid contaminating the bottle never:

  • drink from the bottle
  • insert anything into the bottle (Q-Tip, straw, etc.)
  • pour anything into the bottle

One or more of these conditions may cause the appearance of aggregated particles. The product is not defective and is safe to continue to use.

More FAQs on the web pages.