Effectiveness: MesoSilver® vs. Ionic Silver

The Effectiveness page explains why colloidal silver effectiveness is determined by particle surface area. Because MesoSilver has a much higher particle surface area than any ionic silver product, one would expect that the antimicrobial effectiveness would likewise be much greater. The graph confirms the greater effectiveness of MesoSilver vs. the ionic silver product as would be expected based […]

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Colloidal Silver Effectiveness

What is particle surface area? In the world of colloids, particle surface area is the property of metal colloid that directly determines the ability of the colloid to react with its environment. Therefore the effectiveness of colloidal silver is predicated on particle surface area. The higher the particle surface area the more effective the colloidal silver. Particle surface […]

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The Truth About Ionic Gold

Ionic gold  is what some producers call their non-colloidal gold supplements. Monatomic gold  is another name some companies call their ionic gold products. Ionic gold  is a water soluble gold salt that is dissolved in water. The gold salt must be water soluble  to create an ionic solution. Laboratory testing of products labeled as ionic gold  has determined they are really gold […]

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What is Ionic Silver?

Many products on the market today that are labeled as colloidal silver  actually consist mostly of ionic silver.  Monatomic colloidal silver is another name for ionic silver. Silver Hydrosol is yet another name for ionic silver. Those mostly ionic products advertised as colloidal silver  never mention the words ionic silver in their literature or specify what percentage of the total silver in their product is silver ions vs. silver […]

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When is Colloidal Silver  Not a Colloid?

When it contains mostly ionic silver! When discussing metal colloids, such as colloidal silver, the term colloid  means particles in suspension, which for colloidal silver, means silver nanoparticles. Most products advertised as “colloidal silver” contain mostly silver ions, not silver particles, so technically they are silver solutions, not silver colloids. Laboratory measurements conducted at the Colloidal Science Laboratory […]

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Colloidal Silver – Ions vs. Particles

Colloidal silver contains silver in two distinctly different forms: The silver content of MesoSilver is typically 80% nanoparticles and 20% silver ions. The total silver concentration is 20 ppm. This amount of silver in the nanoparticles is uncommonly  high compared to other commercially available colloidal silver products. Colloidal Science Laboratory has measured the ionic content in […]

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